Here is how it goes...
Create 1 item per day in September. These items can then go into your Etsy Shop, Craft fairs, used for Christmas prezzies or just for your personal enjoyment. This means at the end of September you should have 30 separate handcrafted items. They can be as small as you like or as ambitious as you please...... just make sure that you can do it in a day!
Post pictures! At the end of the day post pictures of your handcrafted items.
This is my personal challenge but I invite you all to join me and keep me to my word. If you are interested in doing this with me please let me know and I will add a link to your blog at the bottom of this post. Feel free to use my image (above) on your blog if you like!
Up for the Challenge
sara at soap rehab
Julie of Musings of a Northern Girl
Anjeanette of Roots and Wings Co